Cultivating Total Fitness - Kurt A. Krueger, M.S. Ed.

  Most people want to improve themselves. This short article will give you a few choice practices to achieve consistent advancement toward your total fitness goals. Modern research is verifying the wisdom of the ages. It's showing that academic, vocational, performing arts, athletic success and your inter-personal relationships can flourish best when you use volunteerism, the buddy system/teamwork, and high technology to help you meet your goals. Here's how to use each of these techniques.


Total Fitness Can Be Achieved By Volunteering


  "Of this I am certain. The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Albert Schweitzer


  Help others daily/weekly. This can be done by simply encouraging them to be all they can be -- volunteer the positive. Use three hours a week to volunteer at church, or some other community organization for those in need. See your Self in everyone, especially in the poorest of the poor or as the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu says, "The wise accept all people as their own family."


  While the famous Farmworker-activist, Cesar Chavez chides us with, "It is my deepest belief that only by giving our lives do we find life. I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of humanity, is to sacrifice ourselves for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be human is to suffer for others. God help us to be human."


Buddy System and Teamwork


  Choose a friend, schoolmate or colleague to be a buddy: a person who will call or see you each day to find out how you are doing with practicing and applying the Techniques for Improving. These should be totally supportive and encouraging meetings/communications. Sharing in a friendly manner the attempts to achieve and the achievements. "The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer somebody else up," said Mark Twain.


  Select a small group of no more than 7 people who will meet at least once a month -- preferably four times a month. Do the same things as you do with your buddy and have a great time doing some good and fun things together, like a volunteer project of sprouting, nurturing, and planting trees in your community or going to a fun place. For "As you sow, so shall you reap."


High Technology


  Brain research has shown that using sound phasing for brain synchrony is powerful as well as effective. Many such brain synchronization techniques exist, and are available in the form of audio CDs or downloadable MP3 files for your computer or iPod to teach your brain how to reach deeper brain wave patterns. Much science has gone into these programs and they quite effective. They literally can take your brain down to the deepest of delta wave patterns without so much as an hour of mediation on your part. In fact, some programs, such as the Centerpoint's "Holosync" program claims that you can even achieve success while you complete your grocery list, if you simply listen to their audio-stimulation files.


  These structured brain stimulation programs can open the sub-consciousness for re-patterning. Biofeedback, Alpha Chambers, Alpha Stims, Holosync, and Winning Ways Sychronicity Soundtrack all seem to work for healing, peak performance states of mind, and stress management.


Suggested Reading:

Body, Mind & Sport, Douillard, Crown, 1994.
The Bliss of Freedom, Master Charles, Acacia, 1997.
Gandhi the Man, Ecknath Eswaran, Nilgiri Press.
The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence, Doubleday, 1977.
Winning Ways, Kurt A. Krueger, in computer.